Yet, as popular as both sports are in their respective nations, demassification has occurred. Instead of focusing on sports enthusiasts as a whole, the media has chosen to target a somewhat niche audience that can understand and gravitate to the importance of the sporting event. In Hegemonic Masculinity and Globalization:‘Transnational Business Masculinities’ and Beyond, Juanita Elias and Christine Beasley examine the impact of globalization from transnational businesses on men and women around the world. They note that businesses, including the media, have demassified, focusing on hegemonic masculine audiences.This seems to be congruent with the tactics employed by ESPN when advertising their college football games.
In this case, ESPN has demassified, utilizing “College GameDay” to target a niche football audience. The commercial glorifies the event in a gladiator type manner. It conveys the sense that only the strong, who are mentally and physically prepared to begin the season along with the two football teams, should watch the event.
The demassification is also vivid in this commercial for the Barclays Premier League.
Although both advertisements are for entertainment purposes, they also convey persuasion. Both are persuading the viewer to take part in something bigger than them by making a life decision to “become part of the team and the experience.”
For More, Go To The Following Sources
Hegemony and Masculinity
NY Times ESPN College Football Revenue
The target audience aspect of both of these advertisements is a very important part of the marketing technique, yet the style of advertising is very different. It seems as though the advertisement for the Premiere League is trying to promote unity among its fans, even though these fans may support different teams within the league. ESPN College GameDay, however, emphasizes the competitive nature of football in order to build its audience for a specific event. The goal of building an audience for a specific day and time seems to be the most distinctive difference between the two ads. Instead of increasing viewers on a television network, the Premiere League is seeking to build its credibility by targeting fans of not just one team, but of the League as a whole. The difference in these goals and target audiences can contribute to the overall different feel in the advertisements, just as you mention with the concept of demassification.